Bike Faster and Farther - How to Maximize Your Pedal Power
When many of us get on a new bicycle for the first time, we adjust the seat so that our feet are flat on the ground so that we can hold ourselves upright when not moving on the bike. For those bike enthusiasts that take their biking seriously... this is the WRONG answer!How to get fit fast with Beachbody's P90X
How to Maximize Your Pull Up Power Using Strength or Fitness Bands
When doing workouts involving your back and chest, that may include pull ups. These have always been my weak point. In my school years during the Presidential Physical Fitness tests, I was lucky to pull off one pull up. It was always an embarrassment!Maximize your P90X Kenpo X Work Out with Extra Knee Kick Modifications!
If you are finished with the P90X cycle and are in good shape by now, you can maximize your Kenpo X workout by adding some extra knee kicks.Maximize your P90X Kenpo X work out with Double Kenpo X!
And I mean MAXimize. Get a good calorie burn with out going out for a run.Jumping into an Intense Exercise Routine? Thnk again! How to Prepare for Intense Workout Programs
Thinking of starting a intense exercise regiment or running after a long absence or having never done it at all? Think again. It is probably a better idea to ramp up some before diving right into an intense work out program.Running: How to Run Faster and Farther Than Before
If you find yourself in a rut as far as pushing your running times down, or stretching out that distance and running farther, there may be a few things that you can do to help. When I was in high school, my cross-country coach taught me a few things that I have never forgotten. And some apply to more than just running...Running in Cold Weather
If you love running, it doesn't have to stop completely in the cold weather months or even on spring and fall mornings when the temperatures may drop even it it is warm during the day. Although, it is not wise to run in extremely cold temperatures, running when it is cold outside can be made comfortable and injury free.