Monday, April 18, 2011

Maximize your P90X Kenpo X work out with Double Kenpo X!

And I mean MAXimize.  Get a good calorie burn with out going out for a run.  P90X Kempo X is my personal favorite among all P90X workouts.  It is by far the most fun and the hour seems to fly by.  If you have never heard of Kenpo, it is a form of Karate using moves in a rapid fire succession to overwhelm an opponent.  It is a blend of the Japanese martial art and Chinese Kung Fu and has origins in Hawaii.  American Kenpo was invented by William Kwai Sun Chow, master of the late Ed Parker who was a re-noun martial arts expert.  Parker brought the sport to the United States.

A typical Kempo Karate Logo

If you are finished with the P90X cycle and are in good shape by now, you can maximize your Kenpo X workout by what I call Double Kenpo X.  When you are at the end of the work out, you are feeling good, and you have time to spare, try this:

At the end of the main work out after the vertical punch series, hit the back button on your DVD and cycle back to the first work out afer the stretch and start over!  This will add a good 40 minutes to your work out but when you are finished through the stretch routine, you'll feel like you just ran 5 miles.  Talk about burning calories!  Whoa!

William Kwai Sun Chow was the inventor of Kenpo Karate and was master to martial arts expert Ed Parker
The late Ed Parker who learned Kenpo from William Kwai Sun Chow and brought it to America

Again, I would not try this if you are just starting out with P90X it just might bring you to your knees, no joke.  I was pretty tired at the end of one of these double Kenpo X workouts and while doing the elbow series which are pretty low key, I got a little sloppy and accidentally punched myself in the face while switching from a vertical elbow blow to a horizontal blow.  Dang that hurt!

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